Tuesday, October 13, 2009

taste and see!

i just drank a venti starbucks iced coffee... and i am pretty much convinced God created coffee beans so that we could stay up and be with Him :0) so we could "pray with him for one more hour..." our flesh is weak but our spirit is willing. so coffee helps our weak flesh - thank you Lord!!! hahahah okay. as a prerequisite to this entry - i believe God loves for us to get enough sleep and rest. but there are times where I believe he calls us to forefeit those things just because you love Him even more than sleeping! just like he loves to provide food for us - but we fast that sometimes. sometiems we give up having enough sleep. that makes our flesh even weaker without having enough sleep but in our weakness He is strong!!!!

so anyway I just drank that coffee because I am about to go do the "nightwatch" at my schools HOUSE OF PRAYER. and I was heavily debating do the nightwatch because ... I am a crazy busy college student i cannot stay up all night praying. i kind of signed up on a whim and was regretting it. but now although I will be awake for like several days in a row.... i am realizing how amazing it all is .... here is why ....

when i lived in Kansas City at the International House of Prayer - i did the nightwatch and a couple nights a week we would have "small group prayer time" for SPECIFIC college campuses. At this point in my life I had been a student at Southeastern (my current school) for 1 semester and after that at OCC for 1 year and CBC for 1 year (at the same time) -- basically i had been at southeastern for the shortest amount of time and it was not my most recent school - yet every time i had to choose a specific school to pray for - i choose that one. I have no idea why because I had absolutely NO PLANS to ever go back to Southeastern. But my heart burned for that school .... I remember praying word for word "build a house of prayer on that campus - grip the students with a spirit of intercession" ....

don't get me wrong I don't think "houses of prayer" are the way the truth and the life .... but I definitely think God is in the "prayer movement." i don't think your true identity can be found in a movement - but I knew when I prayed for Southeastern that God's heart was to establish nonstop worship and intercession from that campus. and now I sit here ....... and it is HAPPENING BEFORE MY EYES .... I find myself back at this school witnessing the fruit of the nights i spent interceding .... I AM BEYOND ENCOURAGED. i am freaking out actually. it is amazing.

this morning in chapel people stood up and screamed out all at different times "I WANT THE CROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Seeing God respond to these prayers I prayed in the dead of night in winter of 2008 ... seeing why this school I thought I would never even VISIT again in my life was on my heart ... HE KNEW I WOULD BE BACK HERE .... Actually seeing God respond to these prayers is AWAKENING ME. I know I would still love and serve God if I didn't see this fruit ........ but it is beyond wonderful to be witnessing this, to be a part of this.


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